Emergency Medicine (AETC)


At QECH, we understand that anyone can get sick any time hence the need for a 24 hour service taking care of emergencies. This is achieved through the presence of the Adult Emergency and Trauma Centre (AETC) Paediatric A and E, and straight admissions to Labour ward for those in labour.

In a AETC, our dedicated team of staff work in shifts on the clock to manage the acutely ill and severely injured patients. The AETC is the dedicated hub of this response to emergencies be it from
  • trauma or non trauma
  • male or female
  • young or old
  • pregnant or non pregnant
  • anytime, everyday.


Contact Us

Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital


Tel: +265 1630333
Tel: +265 1631353
tel: +265 0174333
tel: +265 01875434
tel: +265 01674333






